Frase Christian Salmon
Frase Christian Salmon
JF Leroy y su magnífica frase – Santasombra
Frase J.F. Leroy
El arte de ver y transpirar por Victor Ruano
El arte de ver y transpirar. La primera y última semana en Quelepa fueron quizás las más decisivas y reveladoras de todas. Obviamente es difícil asegurarlo tajantemente, ya que las que precedieron y antecedieron a estas dos, fueron el tiempo fructífero
In Quelepa
I am in Quelepa, San Miguel, El Salvador, shooting my next movie.
The Emmy Awards - THE 34th ANNUAL SPORTS EMMY® AWARDS WINNERS. I just won my second EMMY®. In the category of Outstanding TECHNICAL TEAM STUDIO. This time for the work I did during Games of the XXX Olympiad - The London
De Monsters
De Monsters. Me encantan estas pequeñas y salvajes historias animadas.
This is a bench I found in L.A. CENSORED - Deparment of intellectual control and "komformity" Official red tape. Unauthorized artistic expression will be prosecuted… we mean it, Mike.
Old Photos – Victor Ruano’s collection
A series of photographic plaques found in Rochester NY. 2009.
ACE GALLERY | CHARLES FINE Moved by the forceful beauty of his surroundings, Charles Fine arranges the bounty from his extensive travels in large glass vitrines. Once housed, these ceremonial objects, seedpods, bone awls and tools are reborn on canvas, in
Stanley Kubrick | LACMA
Stanley Kubrick Art of the Americas Building, Level 2 November 1, 2012–June 30, 2013 Stanley Kubrick was known for exerting complete artistic control over his projects; in doing so, he reconceived the genres in which he worked. The exhibition covers the breadth of