Lançamento Transperformance
Temos a imensa honra de convidá-los para o lançamento do livro sobre a primeira edição do projeto Transperformance, realizado em 2011 com curadoria da artista, curadora, professora e pesquisadora Lilian Amaral, patrocínio da Oi / Secretaria de Cultura do Estado
The IV Ibero-American Film Festival Beirut, Lebanon
The IV Ibero-American Film Festival of Beirut, Lebanon. The Embassy of Spain in Lebanon and the Cervantes Institute of Beirut in collaboration with the Metropolis Association and the Embassies of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela and the
History of cycling: California Map of possible routes.
This map was sold as a folded-in illustration in an 1896 Cycler’s Guide and Road Book of California, which also included seven smaller sectional maps, a list of hoteliers prepared to offer cyclists’ rates, and a directory of “agents and
Frase Lewis Carroll
Frase Lewis Carroll. Y trató de imaginar cómo se vería la luz de una vela cuando está apagada.
Frase Voltaire
Frase by Voltaire. Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one.
Frase Steven Johnson
Frase by Steven Johnson. Being right keeps you in place, being wrong forces you to explore.
Frase Acción Poética
Frase Acción Poética
Frase Christian Salmon
Frase Christian Salmon
JF Leroy y su magnífica frase – Santasombra
Frase J.F. Leroy